2L Kapital

An Active Long-Term Partner for Smaller Danish Companies

2L Kapital is an active and long-term partner for smaller companies headquartered in Denmark that need capital for growth, ownership transition, or generational change.

Our investment strategy is centered around companies with a revenue of DKK 15-200 million, where a significant ownership stake of 15-50% can be obtained, and where management is often a substantial co-owner.

We typically invest in the following categories:

A. Growth: Companies that need a partner who can provide capital and expertise to drive organic growth or acquisitions.

B. Transition: Companies that require capital or liquidity due to reasons such as generational change, ownership change, or financial challenges.

C. Cash Out: Situations where all or part of the ownership group wishes to sell ownership stakes to extract funds from the company, for example, to reduce exposure or diversify their wealth.

Our long-term investment horizon enables us to work patiently and in close partnership with management and other stakeholders to realize the development potential of portfolio companies. A cornerstone of our approach is the willingness and ability to drive development and growth through visible and genuine engagement with portfolio companies, where the target is not only to hold a significant ownership stake and contribute capital but also to use our experience, know-how, and network to accelerate value creation in the companies for the benefit of other co-owners and stakeholders.

We have a flexible investment profile that allows us to adapt to very complex situations and provide what is needed when it is needed.

We have a thematic investment strategy with the following focus areas:

  • The aging population and active seniors
  • Facilitating the green transition and energy optimization
  • Industry-specific solutions for digitalization and automation
  • Urbanization and development of cities and urban environments

Our current portfolio companies are:

Statumanu ICP
Get Why
VITA ingeniører


2L Holding A/S

Store Regnegade 17, 1.,
1110 Copenhagen K
