2L Kapital

An Active Long-Term Partner for Smaller Danish Companies (SMEs)

2L Kapital is an active and long-term partner for smaller companies that need capital for growth, ownership transition, or generational change.

Our investment strategy is centered around companies with a revenue of DKK 25-250 million, where a significant ownership stake of 25-75% can be obtained, and where management is often a substantial co-owner.

We typically invest in the following categories:

A. Scale: Companies that need a partner who can provide capital and expertise to drive organic growth or acquisitions.

B. Generational change: Situations where a partner is needed to facilitate a Management- or owner generational change

C. Special situations: Situations with urgent need of liquidity e.g. due to temporary financial or industry challenges 

Our long-term investment horizon enables us to work patiently and in close partnership with management and other stakeholders to realize the development potential of portfolio companies. 

We have a flexible investment profile that allows us to adapt to very complex situations and provide what is needed when it is needed.

We are sector agnostic,but have a thematic investment strategy with the following focus areas:

  • The demographical development
  • Facilitating the green transition and energy optimization
  • Industry-specific solutions for digitalization and automation
  • Urbanization and development of solutions for properties and the real estate industry

Our current portfolio companies are:

Statumanu ICP
Get Why
VITA ingeniører


2L Holding A/S

Store Regnegade 17, 1.,
1110 Copenhagen K
